Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Snow Has Arrived

I woke up this morning, got ready, and heard the kiddo go, “Oh, it snowed!”  Then came the scraping of plows clearing the parking lot across the street.  I knew it was supposed to snow, but hearing about it and getting your jeans wet are two different things.  The snow came down heavy and wet, still stuck to cars and roads hours after it stopped falling.

I’m ready for winter, but not for snow.

Persephone is snuggly tucked away under the earth, wielding her terrifying power with grace.  The seeds are tucked into the earth, blanketed under the fallen leaves.  The land is ready to sleep and the light is disappearing a little more every day. 

I am ready for the long, quiet nights with Orion overhead and warm blankets covering my lap, but I am not ready for snow.

The hectic pace of spring and summer has turned into harvest.  I have finished my annual project with my arts group and I am done initiating new projects until spring.  I will take this time to learn from the earth and relax, take stock, and give thanks to what I have harvested.

So with a sigh, I have to get used to the white stuff coating everything and people driving like they’ve never seen it before.  I learned the hard way today to roll up my jeans or tuck them into my socks before I head out into the slushy stuff.

I am not ready for snow.
There are still leaves on that tree!