Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy Beltane!  May the summer come sweetly and the earth bear it's fruit with grace.  May the fertility of the cool, dark earth spread to our hearts and minds.

It's Beltane, but it kind of feels like just another day for me.  How do you celebrate the great fertility holidays when you are single and solitary?  Normally, that's not a problem, but I feel out of touch with the natural world around me.  I take that back.  I am out of touch with the holiday progression.  Planting is behind schedule here in Iowa and it still feels like early spring.  Maybe I am just not ready for the fire of Beltane.

At this time of year, Persephone has walked the world and spread her flowers throughout the deep, dark earth.  Now they awaken to the touch of the sun, lifting their heads from the deep roots and stretch up towards the sky.

My spirituality group will be working through the Inner Path of Twelve Wild Swans by Starhawk and Hilary Valentine. One of my friends said that if you need counseling for issues, you might not want to go through with it. Sounds like fun, right? 

I was talking to another friend about different religions and beliefs this week after I said he should check out the UU. I forgot he was set in his beliefs and they didn't match up with the UU. Politically, he would fit, but maybe not religiously. In our conversation, he shared more information with me on what he actually believes. We came to a point in the conversation where I was reminded of something said on a podcast I listen to (and I'm roughly paraphrasing): Belief without questioning is what makes a zealot and questions deepen the faith.

I have questioned my beliefs quite a bit at times. I have looked deep into my roots and tried to figure out what kind of flower I am supposed to bloom into.

The Inner Path will take us deeper, it will take us down to the root questions of who we are and who we want to be. Am I ready to go there? Maybe. I feel like I have already descended those steps before, and I continue to do it over and over again. 

** PS, all these flowers, and more, are found outside my apartment.  Squee! **

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